The digital catalogue lets viewers not only see the content of a .pdf document easier but also to interact with products and articles. This is done by using an interactive zone, which is a clickable rectangle, usually having associated one or several hotspots. Clicking on an interactive zone the viewer can perform any interaction such as:
Add a product to the shopping cart
Watch a video
See more images featuring a certain product
Download a .pdf technical specification about your product or service
Go the the product’s page on your main website
Skip pages and jump directly to another chapter
The publication tracks every interaction and forwards it to Google Analytics or other web traffic tracking software. No personal data is collected during these interactions, you do not have to worry about confidentiality.
A hotspot or clickable hotspot is an icon that will generate an event when clicked. When the hotspot is clicked, you can either take the users to another page, redirect them to another external weblink, or allow them to add a product to the shopping basket. It can signal the presence of a video material and/or image galleries.
Each interactive zone can be associated with a video link. We support links from Youtube and Vimeo and you can choose to play them in overlay (lightbox) or on their own platform. In the future we will support playing videos directly in the page content.
You can do that with the help of a weblink. It is as simple as drawing a rectangle and associating it with the link to the page. If you want to learn more about our powerful link editor read the dedicated guide here.